Kerja keras dan kesabaran adalah kunci utama kehidupan

Galeri Karya

Menampilkan presentasi dan pelatihan yang telah dilakukan


Proyek pelatihan digital marketing untuk meningkatkan keterampilan peserta.

Keterampilan Pelayanan & Penjualan

Memiliki kemampuan dalam pelayanan melalui pengalaman :
- Agent call center PT. Telkomsel
- Team Preferred Telkomsel Priority PT. Telkomsel
- Memimpin team pelayanan dan penjualan GraPARI HALO Telkomsel

Keterampilan Operational da

Memiliki kemampuan penjualan melalui Projek-projek klien :
- Memimpin team Digital untuk projek sosial media Piksi Ganesha
- Memimpin team Digital untuk projek FB ads Kiranajaya
- Memimpin team Digital untuk Projek sosial media PRTBL
- Memimpin team digital untuk Projek Google Ads Madua apik dan Abhita ananta
- Memimpin team digital untuk pembuatan website-website seperti utamaland, abhitaananta dll

Memiliki kemampuan dalam operational melalui pengalaman :
- Memimpin operational GraPARI HALO Telkomsel
- Memimpin operational Firli Group (perusahaan digital marketing)

A person is using a laptop to browse an online marketplace featuring various digital products or themes. The screen displays a selection of software or website themes with descriptions and prices. The person seems to be in a well-lit room, sitting at a table.
A person is using a laptop to browse an online marketplace featuring various digital products or themes. The screen displays a selection of software or website themes with descriptions and prices. The person seems to be in a well-lit room, sitting at a table.
Keterampilan Digital Marketing
  • Pelatihan dan pendampingan layanan Emaki Hotel

  • Pendampingan Personal Legal Assistance EasyLegal

  • Pelatihan Pelayanan Baznas Jabar

  • Pelatihan dan pendampingan Pargol Advertising

  • Pelatihan pelayanan Service Excellent Hanadi Corp

  • Pelatihan pelayanan Pramuniaga Nutrilam

  • Pelatihan Sales Skill TDA BAndung

  • Pelatihan Kepemimpinan PT. Atrya

  • Pelatihan PT. SIgn Indonesia

Portofolio Pelatihan Softskill
Portofolio Pelatihan Digital Marketing
  • Pelatihan Digital Marketing POLJAN

  • Pelatihan Digital Marketing Piksi Ganesha

  • Pelatihan Digital Marketing Balai Koperasi dan pembinaan Provinsi Jabar

  • Pelatihan Digital Marketing UPTD Pengawasan Sumber Daya Kelautan Perikanan Wilayah Selatan

Keterampilan Dalam pengembangan skill melalui pelatihan

Pelatihan yang sangat bermanfaat, Andri memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang service excellent dan soft skill.

Rina S.

A woman stands beside a whiteboard that serves as a weekly planner, organized with days of the week horizontally and different social media platforms vertically. The board is marked with different colored sticky notes labeled with tasks like 'Culture', 'Funny', 'Fun Fact', 'Diversity', and 'Product'. She uses a pen to make a check mark while looking at the board. The layout is colorful and orderly, indicating a planned schedule for social media marketing.
A woman stands beside a whiteboard that serves as a weekly planner, organized with days of the week horizontally and different social media platforms vertically. The board is marked with different colored sticky notes labeled with tasks like 'Culture', 'Funny', 'Fun Fact', 'Diversity', and 'Product'. She uses a pen to make a check mark while looking at the board. The layout is colorful and orderly, indicating a planned schedule for social media marketing.
